When times are uncertain, we offer professional, personalized support for you, your family and your pet in the comfort of your own home.
Learning of a serious medical diagnosis or anticipating separation from your pet at the end of life can be a very emotional and a sometimes-overwhelming time.
As with human medicine, veterinary medicine has advanced to help our pets live a longer pain-free life. If your pet is ill or aged, knowing when it is time to say goodbye is often a difficult decision. Even the fact that it is a decision at all can bring varying feelings of relief and anxiety. No two situations are alike.
At Transitions, we help you evaluate your pet’s quality of life by weighing the balance of illness or age-related changes with his or her own physical, social and emotional needs. We will wholly evaluate your pet’s condition while acknowledging your individual needs and limitations.
Each situation is unique. Every disease has its own trajectory. We believe in the “path of least regrets.” And we can help give you the assurance that you are on that path. So, when times are uncertain for you, your family, and your pet, we are here for you. Please contact us for an in-home consultation.

The euthanasia procedure is a very peaceful, painless passing involving two steps:
- The first step in the procedure is the administration of a sedative anesthetic which will allow your pet to reach a deep relaxed sleep state.
- The second stage is a terminal intravenous injection which follows with comfort and ease. I will fully explain the procedure to the family so that everyone knows what to expect.
There are options for the aftercare of your pet, which we will discuss at the time you make the appointment. We will always be here to answer any questions that you may have along the way.
Click below to learn more about the comfort and care during euthanasia:
Memorial Services
Grief Support

Anticipatory grief occurs prior to the actual loss of your pet. It is during this period of anticipation that you might be experiencing manifestations of grief. One of the most common feelings during this time is the feeling of anxiety. It is important to recognize whether or not you are handling this emotion. Anxiety surrounding the anticipation of death can be normal. But too much anxiety or worry can actually draw your attention out of the present reality of the situation and lessen the quality of your experience with your pet in his or her last days.
Am I prepared? Take the quiz:
- Are you unsure if you will be able to handle your pet’s death emotionally?
- Do you avoid facing the fact that your pet has a terminal illness?
- Are you concerned about other people’s reaction to your feelings about your pet?
- Are you concerned that when your pet is gone you will feel lost?
- Are there things that you know you should be doing to help yourself prepare for your pet’s death that you are just not doing?
- Do you think that your life will never be the same after your pet dies?
- Are you avoiding your feelings now in fear that they may overwhelm you?
- Do you find it difficult to build a support system?
- Are you unsure about guidelines for knowing when it is time for euthanasia?
- Have you decided whether or not to be present for the euthanasia?
- Have you planned a farewell ritual?
- Are you having difficulty concentrating on things other than your pet?
- Are you experiencing emotions uncharacteristic for you? (short temper, or outbursts)
- Are you experiencing excessive signs of anxiety? (loss of sleep, not having an appetite, etc)
If you scored 8-14 yes answers:
You should seek assistance now for help with this transition. Gaining more knowledge about loss and grief can help alleviate your anxiety. There are processes and techniques that help with coping during this difficult time. Please contact a trusted counselor who understands pet loss.
If you scored 5-7 yes answers:
You have faced a lot of the difficult aspects of losing your pet. You still might want some guidance to help deal with some areas that are still understandably difficult.
If you scored 4-5 yes answers:
You are preparing as best you can for the anticipated loss. Continue implementing active strategies to facilitate your progress.
If you scored 1-3 yes answers:
You are better prepared than most other pet lovers in a similar situation.
*The previous information was adopted from Hospice Care of Larimer County.

At Transitions Veterinary Care, we bring compassion into your pet’s journey. Everything we do is intentional and is always grounded in our CARETM Philosophy.

for you and your pet

to small details and the big picture

for your wishes, needs, and your pet’s preferences

a focus on senior/ geriatric, palliative, and end of life stages