Do you need assistance medicating or nursing your pet through an illness? We can help! Transitions Veterinary Care in-home services include but are not limited to:
- Evaluate your pet in the family environment
- Create a medical treatment plan for current health concerns
- Senior/ geriatric care
- Longevity evaluation
- Nutritional assessments
- Palliative/ comfort care
- Pain assessments and quality of life
- Hospice care
- In-home euthanasia
- Euthanasia decision facilitation
With nearly 20 years of experience and a compassionate, collaborative communication style, Dr. Pasek’s welcoming demeanor will make you feel comfortable asking her questions and speaking about your feelings. With a systematic approach, Dr. Pasek clearly and simply explains the available options so you can fully understand and consciously decide what is best for your situation. When family emotions are high and decisions are difficult, she helps with decision facilitation.
All Transitions CARE begins with extensive listening and evaluating.

Pre-visit: We start gathering information before our in-home visit to help us understand your needs and objectives for you and your pet. We review your family forms and your pet’s medical record history so that we are fully prepared for our comprehensive in-home visit together.

In-home visit: Once together, we spend meaningful time with you, your pet, and the rest of your family. We review and explore the family forms to ensure we have an excellent understanding of the needs and preferences of you and yours. We will then conduct a very detailed physical exam of your pet and observe them in their home environment. We may also collect samples, such as blood and/or urine, for further diagnostic testing. All completed findings will be documented and provided to you for reference.

Pre-plan proposal: Once the initial evaluations and discussions are complete, Dr. Pasek will develop initial recommendations based on the most pressing needs of your situation. For example, she may determine developing an optimal nutraceutical support regime would be very helpful, and/or perhaps identifying the best methods to improve your pet’s quality of life as important.
At this time, Dr. Pasek will work with you to determine what level of CARE Plan is most appropriate for your situation, which is based on how frequently you and your pet may benefit from support. For example, some plans are based on daily, weekly, or monthly check-ins. Once the CARE Plan Proposal, and associated estimated pricing is presented, you can choose to commit to the plan immediately, or may choose to consider the plan and discuss it further.
Learn about our CARE Plans: Continual CARE Plan | Comfort CARE Plan | Intensive CARE Plan

After a thorough physical examination and in-depth discussion with you about your objectives and desires for your pet’s health, a collaborative plan will be created. The collaborative plan will not only address your pet’s obvious medical needs, but will take into consideration nutrition, alternative therapies, and any other concerns that may affect your pet’s treatment.
We will not only discuss your pet’s medical condition, but will also discuss quality of life concerns if needed. The objectives for your pet’s care will be identified as well and together we will come up with solutions to any management concerns that may interfere with those objectives.
The advantage of the in-home care visit is that we can spend the time that is needed to discuss your pet’s care. This initial appointment is approximately 1.5 hours long.
- Initial Appointment: $385.00 (plus travel fees as applicable)

Unlike conventional veterinary practices that deliver care through examination visits, we provide significant medical support to you and yours in between each of our visits. We offer this medical and supportive care through multiple channels including phone calls, email, and video and text messaging. You can be confident knowing that you have our support, in your back pocket, when you need us most.
Here are just a few of the ways we are eager to support you and yours in between visits:
- I noticed that Sammy has an upset stomach since starting his new meds yesterday, should I still give it to her?
- I heard that there was this great new product for latest-cool-thing-here. Would it be a good fit for Bella?
- Tucker is getting more stiff and sore in the morning, should I increase his meds? Or maybe something different?
- We will be travelling with Missy next week, anything I can do about car sickness?
- Daisy is getting thinner/fatter, should I change her food? Or give different amounts?
- What do you think is the best flea meds for Ginger?
- What does this value mean in the lab results?
- I can’t get Oliver to drink enough, what should I do?
- Precious just doesn’t seem right, what do you think?
- I am headed to the emergency room with Muffit. Will you be able to talk to the ER Doc?
- I don’t understand what the specialist was telling me. Would you be able to contact the specialist and then discuss with me the best way to proceed?

At Transitions Veterinary Care, we bring compassion into your pet’s journey. Everything we do is intentional and is always grounded in our CARETM Philosophy.

for you and your pet

to small details and the big picture

for your wishes, needs, and your pet’s preferences

a focus on senior/ geriatric, palliative, and end of life stages